News – Page 5 – UCD Natural Computing Research & Applications Group

Welcome to visiting researcher Dr. Tomasz Pawlak

Welcome to Tomasz Pawlak who is a visiting researcher with the NCRA group funded by a grant from the  National Science Centre, Poland, grant no. 2016/23/D/ST6/03735. Tomasz will spend two weeks at UCD working with the NCRA group before returning to Poznan University of Technology in Poland. His research interests are synthesis of mathematical programming models from data, program synthesis using genetic programming, and process mining.

Handbook of Grammatical Evolution

To celebrate 20 years since the first publication on Grammatical Evolution at the First EuroGP in 1998 in Paris, France the original authors and inventors of Grammatical Evolution have joined forces to bring together a collection of chapters contributed by leading researchers in the field of Genetic Programming.


The NCRA Group will host TPNC 2018 in UCD

The NCRA Group are delighted to host the 7th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural Computing (TPNC 2018) at UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School. Takfarinas Saber will present a paper on A Hierarchical Approach to Grammar-Guided Genetic Programming The case of Scheduling in Heterogeneous Networks and Nam Le will present a paper on How the Baldwin Effect Can Guide Evolution in Dynamic Environments.

Welcome to new PhD students Mark and Ishaan

Welcome to Mark Connor and Ishaan Singhal who join the group as PhD researchers. Ishaan will be working on the SFI funded App ‘Ed project and Mark will be working with STATSports as part of the SFI funded Lero Centre.

Ishaan graduated from Amity University in India with a BSc in Mechanical Engineering. He then worked for IT firms including Accenture for two years before undertaking  an MSc in Business Analytics at UCD where he worked with Accenture to complete his thesis in extracting sentiment from chatbots. For his PhD he will work on issues surrounding Programme Synthesis.

Mark graduated with  BSc (Hons) Sports Science from Loughborough University and is currently working as a Research and Innovation Lead with STATSports. His PhD will look at Designing optimal training prescription systems for elite team sports.

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