Class Robot

  extended byrobocode._Robot
      extended byrobocode.Robot
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class Robot
extends _Robot
implements java.lang.Runnable

The basic robot class that you will extend to create your own robots.

Please note the following standards will be used:
heading - absolute angle in degrees with 0 facing up the screen, positive clockwise. 0 <= heading < 360.
bearing - relative angle to some object from your robot's heading, positive clockwise. -180 < bearing <= 180
All coordinates are expressed as (x,y).
All coordinates are positive.
The origin (0,0) is at the bottom left of the screen.
Positive x is right.
Positive y is up.

Mathew A. Nelson (original), Matthew Reeder, Stefan Westen, Flemming N. Larsen (current)
See Also:, Building your first robot

Field Summary out
          The output stream your robot should use to print.
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void ahead(double distance)
          Moves your robot forward.
 void back(double distance)
          Moves your robot backward.
 void doNothing()
          Do nothing this turn.
 void finalize()
          Called by the system to 'clean up' after your robot.
 void fire(double power)
          Fires a bullet.
 Bullet fireBullet(double power)
          Fires a bullet.
 double getBattleFieldHeight()
          Get height of the current battlefield.
 double getBattleFieldWidth()
          Get width of the current battlefield.
 double getEnergy()
          Returns the robot's current energy
 double getGunCoolingRate()
          Returns the rate at which the gun will cool down.
 double getGunHeading()
          Returns gun heading in degrees.
 double getGunHeat()
          Returns the current heat of the gun.
 double getHeading()
          Returns the direction the robot is facing, in degrees.
 double getHeight()
          Returns the height of the robot
 java.lang.String getName()
          Returns the robot's name
 int getNumRounds()
          Returns the number of rounds in the current battle
 int getOthers()
          Returns how many opponents are left
 double getRadarHeading()
          Returns radar heading in degrees.
 int getRoundNum()
          Returns the number of the current round (0 to getNumRounds()-1) in the battle
 long getTime()
          Returns the current game time Note: 1 battle consists of multiple rounds Time is reset to 0 at the beginning of every round.
 double getVelocity()
          Returns the velocity of the robot.
 double getWidth()
          Returns the width of the robot
 double getX()
          Returns the X position of the robot
 double getY()
          Returns the Y position of the robot
 void onBulletHit(BulletHitEvent event)
          This method will be called when one of your bullets hits another robot.
 void onBulletHitBullet(BulletHitBulletEvent event)
          This method will be called when one of your bullets hits another bullet.
 void onBulletMissed(BulletMissedEvent event)
          This method will be called when one of your bullets misses (hits a wall).
 void onDeath(DeathEvent event)
          This method will be called if your robot dies You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.
 void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent event)
          This method will be called when your robot is hit by a bullet.
 void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent event)
          This method will be called when your robot collides with another robot.
 void onHitWall(HitWallEvent event)
          This method will be called when your robot collides with a wall.
 void onPaint(java.awt.Graphics2D g)
          This method is called every time the robot is painted if the robot painting feature is enabled on your robot.
 void onRobotDeath(RobotDeathEvent event)
          This method will be called if another robot dies You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.
 void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent event)
          This method will be called when your robot sees another robot.
 void onWin(WinEvent event)
          This method will be called if your robot wins a battle.
 void resume()
          Resume the movement you stopped in stop(), if any.
 void run()
          The main method in every robot.
 void scan()
          Look for other robots.
 void setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(boolean newAdjustGunForRobotTurn)
          Sets the gun to automatically turn the opposite way when the robot turns.
 void setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(boolean newAdjustRadarForGunTurn)
          Sets the radar to automatically turn the opposite way when the gun turns.
 void setAdjustRadarForRobotTurn(boolean newAdjustRadarForRobotTurn)
          Sets the radar to automatically turn the opposite way when the robot turns.
 void setColors(java.awt.Color robotColor, java.awt.Color gunColor, java.awt.Color radarColor)
          Call this method to set your robot's colors.
 void stop()
          Stops all movement, and saves it for a call to resume().
 void stop(boolean overwrite)
          Stops all movement, and saves it for a call to resume().
 void turnGunLeft(double degrees)
          Rotates your robot's gun.
 void turnGunRight(double degrees)
          Rotates your robot's gun.
 void turnLeft(double degrees)
          Rotates your robot.
 void turnRadarLeft(double degrees)
          Rotates your robot's radar.
 void turnRadarRight(double degrees)
          Rotates your robot's radar.
 void turnRight(double degrees)
          Rotates your robot.
Methods inherited from class robocode._Robot
getBattleNum, getGunCharge, getGunImageName, getLife, getNumBattles, getRadarImageName, getRobotImageName, setGunImageName, setInterruptible, setPeer, setRadarImageName, setRobotImageName, uninitializedException
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public out
The output stream your robot should use to print. You can view it by clicking the buttons on the right side of the battle.

Example public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent e) { out.println("I hit a robot! My energy: " + getEnergy() + " his energy: " + e.getEnergy()); } System.out will also print to this.

Constructor Detail


public Robot()
Method Detail


public void ahead(double distance)
Moves your robot forward. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete. If the robot collides with a wall, the move is complete. If the robot collides with another robot, the move is complete if you are heading toward the other robt.



distance - The distance to move forward
See Also:
onHitWall(robocode.HitWallEvent), onHitRobot(robocode.HitRobotEvent)


public void back(double distance)
Moves your robot backward. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete. If the robot collides with a wall, the move is complete. If the robot collides with another robot, the move is complete if you are heading toward the other robt.



distance - The distance to backward
See Also:
onHitWall(robocode.HitWallEvent), onHitRobot(robocode.HitRobotEvent)


public double getBattleFieldHeight()
Get height of the current battlefield.

The height of the battlefield.


public double getBattleFieldWidth()
Get width of the current battlefield.

The width of the battlefield.


public double getHeading()
Returns the direction the robot is facing, in degrees. The value returned will be between 0 and 360.

the direction the robot is facing, in degrees.


public double getHeight()
Returns the height of the robot

the height of the robot


public java.lang.String getName()
Returns the robot's name

the robot's name


public double getWidth()
Returns the width of the robot

the width of the robot


public double getX()
Returns the X position of the robot. (0,0) is at the bottom left of the battlefield.

the X position of the robot


public double getY()
Returns the Y position of the robot. (0,0) is at the bottom left of the battlefield.

the Y position of the robot


public void run()
The main method in every robot. Override this to set up your robot's basic behavior.


 // A basic robot that moves around in a square
 public void run() {
   while (true) {

Specified by:
run in interface java.lang.Runnable


public void turnLeft(double degrees)
Rotates your robot. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete. Note that the gun and radar will rotate the same amount, as they are attached to the robot.



degrees - How many degrees to rotate left.


public void turnRight(double degrees)
Rotates your robot. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete. Note that the gun and radar will rotate the same amount, as they are attached to the robot.



degrees - How many degrees to rotate right.


public void doNothing()
Do nothing this turn. This call executes immediately.


public final void finalize()
Called by the system to 'clean up' after your robot. You may not override this method.


public void fire(double power)
Fires a bullet. The valid range for power is .1 to 3. The bullet will travel in the direction the gun is pointing. The bullet will do (4 * power) damage if it hits another robot. If power is greater than 1, it will do an additional 2 * (power - 1) damage. You will get (3 * power) back if you hit the other robot. An event will be generated when the bullet hits a robot, wall, or other bullet. This call executes immediately.

power - The energy given to the bullet, and subtracted from your energy.
See Also:
fireBullet(double), onBulletHit(robocode.BulletHitEvent), onBulletHitBullet(robocode.BulletHitBulletEvent), onBulletMissed(robocode.BulletMissedEvent)


public Bullet fireBullet(double power)
Fires a bullet. This call is exactly like fire(double), but returns the Bullet object you fired. This call executes immediately.

See Also:


public double getGunCoolingRate()
Returns the rate at which the gun will cool down.

the gun cooling rate
See Also:


public double getGunHeading()
Returns gun heading in degrees. This is a value from 0 to 360, where 0 points to the top of the screen.

gun heading


public double getGunHeat()
Returns the current heat of the gun. You cannot fire unless this is 0. (Calls to fire will succeed, but will not actually fire unless getGunHeat() == 0

the current gun heat


public int getNumRounds()
Returns the number of rounds in the current battle

the number of rounds in the current battle


public int getOthers()
Returns how many opponents are left

how many opponents are left


public double getRadarHeading()
Returns radar heading in degrees. This is a value from 0 to 360, where 0 points to the top of the screen.

radar heading


public int getRoundNum()
Returns the number of the current round (0 to getNumRounds()-1) in the battle

the number of the current round in the battle


public long getTime()
Returns the current game time Note: 1 battle consists of multiple rounds Time is reset to 0 at the beginning of every round. getTime() is equivalent to the number of frames displayed this round.

the current game time


public double getVelocity()
Returns the velocity of the robot.

the velocity of the robot


public void onBulletHit(BulletHitEvent event)
This method will be called when one of your bullets hits another robot. You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.


   public void onBulletHit(BulletHitEvent event) {
     out.println("I hit " + event.getName() + "!");

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
BulletHitEvent, Event


public void onBulletHitBullet(BulletHitBulletEvent event)
This method will be called when one of your bullets hits another bullet. You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.


   public void onBulletHitBullet(BulletHitBulletEvent event) {
     out.println("I hit a bullet fired by " + event.getBullet().getName() + "!");

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
BulletHitBulletEvent, Event


public void onBulletMissed(BulletMissedEvent event)
This method will be called when one of your bullets misses (hits a wall). You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.


   public void onBulletHit(BulletMissedEvent event) {
     out.println("Drat, I missed.");

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
BulletMissedEvent, Event


public void onDeath(DeathEvent event)
This method will be called if your robot dies You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event. Actions will have no effect if called from this section. The intent is to allow you to perform calculations or print something out when you lose.

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
DeathEvent, Event


public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent event)
This method will be called when your robot is hit by a bullet. You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.


   public void onHitByBullet(HitByBulletEvent event) {
     out.println(event.getRobotName() + " hit me!");

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
HitByBulletEvent, Event


public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent event)
This method will be called when your robot collides with another robot. You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.


   public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent event) {
     if (event.getBearing() > -90 && event.getBearing() <= 90)

   -- or perhaps, for a more advanced robot --

   public void onHitRobot(HitRobotEvent event) {
     if (event.getBearing() > -90 && event.getBearing() <= 90)

The angle is relative to your robot's facing... so 0 is straight ahead of you.

This event can be generated if another robot hits you, in which case event.isMyFault() will return false. In this case, you will not be automatically stopped by the game -- but if you continue moving toward the robot you will hit it (and generate another event). If you are moving away, then you won't hit it.

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
HitRobotEvent, Event


public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent event)
This method will be called when your robot collides with a wall. You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event. Note: The wall at the top of the screen is 0 degrees, right is 90 degrees, bottom is 180 degrees, left is 270 degrees. -- but this event is relative to your heading, so: The bearing is such that turnRight(e.getBearing()) will point you perpendicular to the wall.


   public void onHitWall(HitWallEvent event) {
     out.println("Ouch, I hit a wall bearing " + event.getBearing() + " degrees.");

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
HitWallEvent, Event


public void onRobotDeath(RobotDeathEvent event)
This method will be called if another robot dies You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event.

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
RobotDeathEvent, Event


public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent event)
This method will be called when your robot sees another robot. You should override it in your robot if you want to be informed of this event. (Almost all robots should override this!) This event will be called automatically if there is a robot in range of your radar.

The bearing is relative to your robot's heading.


   public void onScannedRobot(ScannedRobotEvent event) {
   	// Assuming radar and gun are aligned...
   	if (event.getDistance() < 100)
Note: The game assists Robots in firing, as follows: If the gun and radar are aligned (and were aligned last turn), and the event is current, and you call fire() before taking any other actions, fire() will fire directly at the robot. In essence, this means that if you can see a robot, and it doesn't move, then fire will hit it. AdvancedRobots will NOT be assisted in this manner, and are expected to examine the event to determine if fire() would hit. (i.e. you are spinning your gun around, but by the time you get the event, your gun is 5 degrees past the robot)

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
ScannedRobotEvent, Event


public void onWin(WinEvent event)
This method will be called if your robot wins a battle. You can do a victory dance here.

event - The event set by the game
See Also:
WinEvent, Event


public void resume()
Resume the movement you stopped in stop(), if any. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.

See Also:


public void scan()
Look for other robots. This method is called automatically by the game, as long as you are moving, turning, turning your gun, or turning your radar. There are 2 reasons to call scan() manually: 1 - You want to scan after you stop moving 2 - You want to interrupt the onScannedRobot event. This is more likely. If you are in onScannedRobot, and call scan(), and you still see a robot, then the system will interrupt your onScannedRobot event immediately and start it from the top. This call executes immediately. Scan will cause onScannedRobot(robocode.ScannedRobotEvent) to be called if you see a robot.

See Also:
onScannedRobot(robocode.ScannedRobotEvent), ScannedRobotEvent


public void setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(boolean newAdjustGunForRobotTurn)
Sets the gun to automatically turn the opposite way when the robot turns. Ok, so this needs some explanation: The gun is mounted on the robot. So, normally, if the robot turns 90 degrees to the right, then the gun will turn with it.

To compensate for this, you can call setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(true). When this is set, the gun will automatically turn in the opposite direction, so that it "stays still" when the robot turns.

Example, assuming both the robot and gun start out facing up (0 degrees):

   setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(false); // This is the default
   // At this point, both the robot and gun are facing right (90 degrees);
   // Both are back to 0 degrees

   -- or --

   // At this point, the robot is facting right (90 degrees), but the gun is still facing up.
   // Both are back to 0 degrees.

Note: The gun compensating this way does count as "turning the gun". See setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(boolean) for details.

newAdjustGunForRobotTurn - true if the gun must move independent of the robot's turn; false if the gun must move dependent/relative to of the robot's turn
See Also:


public void setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(boolean newAdjustRadarForGunTurn)
Sets the radar to automatically turn the opposite way when the gun turns. Make sure you understand how setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(boolean) works before reading on...

Ok, so now you understand setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(boolean) right?

Just like the gun is mounted on the robot, the radar is mounted on the gun. So, normally, if the gun turns 90 degrees to the right, then the radar will turn with it.

To compensate for this (if you like), you can call setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(true). When this is set, the radar will automatically turn in the opposite direction, so that it "stays still" when the gun turns (in relation to the body, as of 0.97).

Example, assuming both the radar and gun start out facing up (0 degrees):

   setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(false); // This is the default
   // At this point, both the radar and gun are facing right (90 degrees);

   -- or --

   // At this point, the gun is facing right (90 degrees), but the radar is still facing up.


Note: Calling setAdjustRadarForGunTurn will automatically call setAdjustRadarForRobotTurn with the same value, unless you have already called it yourself. This behavior is primarily for backward compatibility with older Robocode robots.

newAdjustRadarForGunTurn - true if the radar must move independent of the gun's turn; false if the radar must move dependent/relative to of the gun's turn
See Also:
setAdjustRadarForRobotTurn(boolean), setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(boolean)


public void setColors(java.awt.Color robotColor,
                      java.awt.Color gunColor,
                      java.awt.Color radarColor)
Call this method to set your robot's colors. You may only call this method one time per battle. A null indicates the default (blue-ish) color.
   // Don't forget to import java.awt.Color at the top...
   import java.awt.Color;
   public void run() {
     setColors(,,new Color(150,0,150));

robotColor - Your robot's color
gunColor - Your robot's gun color
radarColor - Your robot's radar color
See Also:


public void stop()
Stops all movement, and saves it for a call to resume(). If there is already movement saved from a previous stop, this will have no effect. This method is equivalent to stop(false); This call executes immediately.

See Also:
stop(boolean), resume()


public void stop(boolean overwrite)
Stops all movement, and saves it for a call to resume(). If there is already movement saved from a previous stop, you can overwrite it by calling stop(true). This call executes immediately.

See Also:
resume(), stop()


public void turnGunLeft(double degrees)
Rotates your robot's gun. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.



degrees - How many degrees to rotate the gun left.


public void turnGunRight(double degrees)
Rotates your robot's gun. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete.



degrees - How many degrees to rotate the gun right.


public void turnRadarLeft(double degrees)
Rotates your robot's radar. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete. Many robots will use the turnGun functions instead... the radar will rotate when the gun rotates, and you will probably want your gun facing in the same direction anyway.



degrees - How many degrees to rotate the radar left.


public void turnRadarRight(double degrees)
Rotates your robot's radar. This call executes immediately, and does not return until it is complete. Many robots will use the turnGun functions instead... the radar will rotate when the gun rotates, and you will probably want your gun facing in the same direction anyway.



degrees - How many degrees to rotate the radar right.


public double getEnergy()
Returns the robot's current energy

the robot's energy


public void setAdjustRadarForRobotTurn(boolean newAdjustRadarForRobotTurn)
Sets the radar to automatically turn the opposite way when the robot turns.

The radar is mounted on the gun, which is mounted on the robot. So, normally, if the robot turns 90 degrees to the right, the gun turns, as does the radar.0

To compensate for this (if you like), you can call setAdjustRadarForRobotTurn(true). When this is set, the radar will automatically turn in the opposite direction, so that it "stays still" when the body turns.

Example, assuming the robot, gun, and radar all start out facing up (0 degrees):

   setAdjustRadarForRobotTurn(false); // This is the default
   // At this point, all three are facing right (90 degrees);

   -- or --

   // At this point, the robot and gun are facing right (90 degrees), but the radar is still facing up.


newAdjustRadarForRobotTurn - true if the radar must move independent of the robots's turn; false if the radar must move dependent/relative to of the robots's turn
See Also:
setAdjustGunForRobotTurn(boolean), setAdjustRadarForGunTurn(boolean)


public void onPaint(java.awt.Graphics2D g)
This method is called every time the robot is painted if the robot painting feature is enabled on your robot. You should override this method if you want to draw items on the battle field. This method is very useful when debugging your robot.

g - The graphics context to use for painting
Robocode v1.1