Evolutionary Computation (EC) uses the principles of Darwinian evolution to solve a given computational problem. During the past few decades such methods have been applied in aesthetic domains such as art and music. We present a compositional tool for creating simple piano melodies with Grammatical Evolution, a grammar based EC algorithm. The system employs a context free grammar to create a variety of musical elements within each melody such as runs, arpeggios, turns and chords without any a priori musical information in regards to key or time signature. The melodies are evolved by allowing them to survive or die out according to their fitness --- a user defined measure of how successful each melody is. This results in the emergence of a tonality in the evolved melody which is in turn used in creating a grammar for an accompanying bass part. In this way two-part compositions are dynamically created with the one tonality. A selection of evolved pieces are presented demonstrating that the method is capable of creating interesting and unique musical compositions. The distinction between the fitness and evaluation of the melodies is discussed.
Evolved musical compositions
M1Comp1.mp3 M1Comp2.mp3 M1Comp3.mp3 M1Comp4.mp3 M1Comp5.mp3 M1Comp6.mp3 M2Comp1.mp3 M2Comp2.mp3 M2Comp3.mp3 M2Comp4.mp3 M2Comp5.mp3 M2Comp9.mp3 M2Comp10.mp3 M3Comp1.mp3 M3Comp2.mp3 M3Comp3.mp3 M3Comp4.mp3 M3Comp5.mp3 M3Comp6.mp3 M3Comp7.mp3 M3Comp8.mp3 M3Comp9.mp3 M3Comp10.mp3 M4Comp1.mp3 M4Comp2.mp3 M4Comp3.mp3 M4Comp4.mp3 M4Comp5.mp3 M4Comp6.mp3 M4Comp7.mp3 M4Comp8.mp3 M4CompDis1.mp3 M4Synch.mp3 M4SynchBass.mp3 Melody2.mp3 Tonal1.mp3 ATonal1.mp3 TrebleMelody1.mp3 TrebleMelody2.mp3 TrebleMelody3.mp3 M4Bass1.mp3